Clickup Services
Organize, Manage, and Protect your Centralized Business Hub
Did you set up a ClickUp instance and found yourself with an blank canvas to work on?
Do you have lists, documents, and whiteboards all over the place and don’t know what to do now?
Wondering if your paying too much for the service?
Interested in learning how to take advantage of new features in Clickup 3.0?
Wondering if Clickup is the answer to your business hub?
Have some other questions to answer?
I’ve been there.
To learn how to use ClickUp I had to become a certifed expert in the application. And I’ll share my knowledge and skills with you.
Establish What Your Want and Need
We will start with a 50-minute kickoff, overview and wish list conversation.
During this meeting we’ll dive into what you’re currently using ClickUp for as well as what you want ClickUp to do for you.
We will end the conversation with a prioritized list of work to complete in ClickUp.
Improve Your Technology Configuration
After our call, I’ll review your ClickUp settings and configured services.
I will also take your desired ClickUp wish list and complete all the items we identified as Do Now.
Get the benefits of ClickUp Certification and Get Your ClickUp Instance Built As You Need
Increase Your Productivity
Once configuration is complete, we’ll meet again to review all the findings and determine the next steps needed to build your ClickUp dream business hub.
After configuration is complete, you’ll have a centralized business hub that works for you and with the way you run your business.